What People Are Saying

This program showed me the accountability I had for myself and my diet. The hardest part was simply to just show up! Everything else was in the workout guide for me and the macros data/ nutrition outline that Erica had done for me at the start of the program. I’m excited to see what the next online session has to bring.💪


“Erica Bright’s bootcamp is a must. It has helped me so much with getting to a healthy weight. I was never able to stay constant with my workouts or eating healthy until I started her bootcamp. The group is so supportive and it’s such a great way to get in shape and stay in shape.

Pictures from just the first month doing her bootcamp I lost over 10 pounds.”


I decided to do the online bootcamp this time around with my schedule being so crazy. It was absolutely wonderful being able to workout on my schedule. The workouts are always great and I love that there are always modifications. The daily workout reminder emails are great! I can definitely see a difference in my body and feel amazing! Erica is such a wonderful coach!


3.6lbs down & today makes 1 week of following the plan. You’re the best!


I’m so happy I had the opportunity to use this program to kick start jumping back into my weight loss/fitness journey postpartum. 

I started the program a few days shy of being 8 weeks PP after my cesarean of my third baby, and it definitely gave me the motivation I needed to stick to a workout plan, and get my body moving daily. 


“Erica Bright’s program is a must. It has helped me so much with getting to a healthy weight. I was never able to stay constant with my workouts or eating healthy until I started her program. The group is so supportive and it’s such a great way to get in shape and stay in shape. Pictures from just the first month doing her program I lost over 10 pounds. 😊💪🏼”


“Erica’s program was my first time working out since having my daughter. It was a great transition to get me back in the gym! I love that the 5:30 start time allows me to workout without my day getting in the way and providing an excuse to not work out. I love the accountability and distraction free work out that in person training provides! The results have been surprising and have really helped keep me motivated!!”


“9 weeks smoke free.

2 months in the gym.

1 month actually focusing on my diet.

I’ll let the 3D scan do the talking.

I’m not where I want to be. I still have a ways to go.

Thank you so much to my Mom for kicking my butt on our walks and to Erica Bright Fitness for kicking my butt in the gym.

11lbs 4oz down! 🎉”


“This year is my second year with Erica! Both years I have been pregnant. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while pregnant was very important to me. I started bootcamp each time during the first couple weeks of pregnancy. Erica always gives me wonderful guidance and alternatives to certain exercises as my pregnancy moves along. During my first pregnancy I was able to go till about 8 months but due to COVID was unable to go until delivery. But with her guidance I was able to stay active up until the day I delivered. I truly believe her bootcamp helped me to maintain a healthy pregnancy and made my labor easier. Postpartum recovery was not as bad as I was expecting and I was able to get right back into the gym after 6 weeks. Now I am currently 26 weeks pregnant and loving every minute of Erica’s program! I plan to make it all the way to 40 weeks this time! I can’t thank Erica enough for the support and motivation. I am so thankful for her! Highly recommend her training programs for anyone who is pregnant!”


“I want you to know how much I enjoyed your program! You are so motivating and I initially started it to give myself a whole new discipline. I felt like the environment was also very fitting and the fellow trainees were really nice! I didn’t feel like anyone was looking down on anyone else, that everyone was genuinely there for their own success.

I also used your program as an alternative to heal myself. I lost my father in May due to cancer and I’ve grieved terribly since. I felt like I had lost myself the past few months and needed to get my mind back together. I knew this class was something that would help me. During this time, I was able to go to my father’s home to clean some things out. I wouldn’t have had been able to do that before the fitness and healthier eating. It has help me feel better mentally and physically.

So thank you so much for having such an awesome training program! I can’t wait for the one in September to start.💛💪”


“I have been at a standstill the last 8 months and it was so frustrating. I knew a couple of people who really wanted me to try Erica’s program and said that it would really make me more accountable to my protein/macros and early morning workouts. I wanted to learn more about macros and how they effected my weight loss. I really wasn’t eating enough carbs/protein daily and always going over my fat intake. I also knew that Erica would be checking myFitnessPal app to see what I was eating too!! I lost weight every single week along with many inches. Almost 5 pounds in 4 short weeks!! It wasn’t easy. There were times when I messed up. But, I just started right back up the next day more determined. My advice is believe in yourself first, then try Erica Bright Fitness and have your tribe of women to encourage you the rest of the way!


“Down 13 pounds!! I would not have reached this without your help!! LOVE, LOVE your programs!”

-Bootcamp Client

“I really look forward to her training every week. She’s always pushing me & encouraging me to stay on track, reminding you quality over quantity, & to make sure you get the best out of your workout.”


“I’ve already lost 4 pounds, I’m so Excited!


Erica’s FitBody program is so much more.

It’s education.   Erica explains how each individual exercise relates to one another and the overall effect on the body as a whole.

It’s nutrition counseling.   

It’s meal planning and recipes.

It’s a welcoming environment for everyone.   I’m 59 years young, and look forward to Tuesday and Thursday mornings every week.

I’ve lost inches.

I’ve gained bone strength.

I would wholeheartedly recommend FitBody.  


Four week FitBody results:

-Down 12 pounds

-Feeling better physically

-Learning discipline all over again

-Mentally I am better than I was four weeks ago.

Bring on the next three weeks!


“I had never really considered doing a group fitness class, as I have been powerlifting for the past seven years. I won Erica’s program back in March and went in not really knowing what to expect other than it was outside my norm. I fell in love with the very first class and have joined every session since then! It is such a welcoming environment and it is perfect for every fitness level- whether you don’t even know where to start or you’re an advanced lifter. I will continue to enjoy my sessions with Erica in addition to my evening powerlifting sessions I incorporate 3-4x per week with my husband.”

-Whitney M.

“Just wanted to say i am really enjoying your programs and am glad that you have created them! You are a great teacher 🙂”

-Whitney D.

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